TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 02-2016 | Page 19
Since the 1920s, Dalat Palace has been a
favorite destination for visitors to relax
and enjoy cool weather after going hunting
and exploring the city.
The hotel’s elegance comes from 43 fivestar rooms, gorgeous premium facilities,
offering guests an intimate and luxurious
space in French colonial style.
To welcome this new season, Dalat Palace
will offer its guests a unique experience
during their stay. From 14:30 to 16:30,
you can enjoy “Buffet High Tea” with an
array of attractive choices at Le Rabelais
Restaurant & Terrace on the ground floor
of the hotel.
ßÄ LÑT ß≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı nh˜ng n®m 20 Æ«u th’ k˚,
cho tÌi ngµy nay, Dalat Palace v…n lu´n lµ l˘a ch‰n cÒa
r†t nhi“u du kh∏ch Æ” nghÿ ng¨i, tÀn h≠Îng kh› hÀu vÔng
nÛi m∏t mŒ sau chuy’n hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏ tπi ßµ Lπt.
Nät sang tr‰ng cÒa kh∏ch sπn Æ’n tı h÷ thËng 43
phng nghÿ ti÷n nghi 5 sao, trang thi’t b cao c†p, lÈng
l…y, mang Æ’n mÈt kh´ng gian †m cÛng vµ sang tr‰ng
theo phong c∏ch thuÈc Æa Ph∏p.
Chµo mÔa mÌi, Dalat Palace mang tÌi du kh∏ch tr∂i
nghi÷m nu´ng chi“u b∂n th©n cho qu∑ng thÍi gian l≠u
trÛ tπi kh∏ch sπn. Tı 14h30 tÌi 16h30 hµng ngµy, tπi Le
Rabelais Restaurant & Terrace nªm tπi t«ng tr÷t kh∏ch
sπn, du kh∏ch c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c ti÷c trµ “Buffet High
Tea” vÌi nh˜ng l˘a ch‰n v´ cÔng h†p d…n.
In addition to traditional pastries, pies, and
snacks for the tea party, the restaurant will
introduce a wide selection of famed tea
from Asian such as Oolong tea, jasmine
and green tea, and Atiso to renowned
Western ones such as English Breakfast
and classic Lipton, meeting the taste and
demand of every customer. Le Rabelais
Restaurant & Terrace also serves coffee,
cakes and other delicious sweets.
For only VND290,000/guest, you can relax
at the tea party with your friends and
family in the poetic atmosphere of the city
of flowers.
B™n cπnh c∏c loπi b∏nh ng‰t, b∏nh n≠Ìng, Æ ®n nhã
truy“n thËng dÔng cho ti÷c trµ, nhµ hµng cn mang tÌi
hµng loπt nh˜ng “danh trµ” Æ∏p ¯ng mÁi sÎ th›ch v“ mÔi
vµ v kh∏c nhau: tı c∏c loπi trµ É ß´ng nh≠ trµ § Long,
trµ nhµi, trµ xanh, Atiso... cho tÌi nh˜ng v trµ ¢u nÊi
ti’ng nh≠ English Breakfast, Lipton cÊ Æi”n... Ngoµi ra
nhµ hµng cn phÙc vÙ mÈt sË loπi cµ ph™, b∏nh vµ kão
ÆÈc Æ∏o kh∏c.
Chÿ tı 290.000VNß/kh∏ch, du kh∏ch sœ c„ Æ≠Óc nh˜ng
gi©y phÛt th≠Îng th¯c trµ chi“u v´ cÔng th≠ gi∑n b™n
bπn bà vµ ng≠Íi th©n trong kh´ng gian Æ«y th¨ mÈng x¯
ngµn hoa.
* 02 Tran Phu Str., Dalat * Tel: 063 3825 444 (ext 7) * Fax: 063 3825 666
* Email: [email protected]
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