TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 01-2016 | Page 19

lifestyle N’u chÿ c„ 24 giÍ Æ” kh∏m ph∏ Sµi Gn, chæc chæn t´i sœ ch‰n mÈt b˜a s∏ng truy“n thËng Vi÷t Nam b™n ly cafä s˜a Æ∏, dπo mÈt vng thµnh phË tr™n chi’c xe gæn m∏y cÚ, Æi th®m b∂o tµng m¸ thuÀt, xem mÈt buÊi bi”u di‘n µ Ë Show Î Nhµ h∏t Thµnh PhË, vµ sau cÔng lµ th≠Îng th¯c Sµi Gn Æ™m Î Liquid Sky Bar tr™n t«ng 21 Kh∏ch sπn Renaissance Riverside Saigon bÎi Æ©y ch›nh lµ n¨i t´i c„ th” ph„ng t«m mæt ngæm mÈt Sµi Gn thÀt lπ khi hoµng h´n bu´ng xuËng. BuÊi tËi lÈng gi„ lµ lÛc l˝ t≠Îng Æ” nh©m nhi ly cocktail vµ ngæm nh◊n b«u trÍi v“ Æ™m b™n b” b¨i xanh m∏t. C∏c t›n Æ cÒa Prosecco chæc chæn sœ v´ cÔng hµo h¯ng khi th≠Îng th¯c loπi vang sÒi ÆÀm ch†t ˝ Æ’n tı Liquid Gold, trong khi Æ„ nh˜ng ng≠Íi y™u th›ch Vodka tha h l˘a ch‰n nh˜ng loπi cocktails vÌi nh˜ng h≠¨ng v Æ∆c tr≠ng kh∏c nhau. Th¯c uËng ngon tuy÷t, ©m nhπc s´i ÆÈng v“ Æ™m tı c∏c DJ nÊi ti’ng... Liquid Sky Bar cn lµ Æi”m nh†n †n t≠Óng cho nh˜ng b˜a ti÷c nhÈn nhp xuy™n Æ™m. For further information, please visit www. Up-coming events: Facebook: https:// liquidskybar/ Twitter: www.twitter. com/RenHotels Instagram: www. instagram/RenHotels Liquid Sky Bar Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ Æ«y s∏ng tπo vÌi nh˜ng kh´ng gian kh∏c nhau: t«ng lˆng tr™n cÔng lµ n¨i bπn c„ th” tho∏t kh·i s˘ Ân µo vµ n∏o nhi÷t cÒa thµnh phË, d∑y gh’ d‰c h b¨i lµ Æi”m hãn Æ” tæm næng vµ tr chuy÷n th©n mÀt cÔng bπn bÃ. C„ h≠Ìng nh◊n ra bÍ ß´ng s´ng Sµi Gn, Liquid Sky Bar Æ≠a bπn Æ’n mÈt hµnh tr◊nh l˝ thÛ vµ kh∏c bi÷t v“ ©m nhπc, ngh÷ thuÀt pha ch’ vµ c∂m h¯ng cho nh˜ng chuy’n kh∏m ph∏ mÌi. ß” t◊m hi”u th™m, h∑y truy cÀp: www. Theo d‚i c∏c s˘ ki÷n sæp tÌi: https:// Nh†n “Like” facebook cÒa Liquid Sky Bar: liquidskybar/ INSPIRING DESTINATION IN A HIGH POSITION Theo d‚i Renaissance tr™n Twitter: Nh†n “Like” Instagram cÒa Renaissance: www.instagram/RenHotels HCMC If I have only 24 hours to explore Saigon, I will definitely choose a traditional Vietnamese breakfast, sip a cup of iced coffee with milk, ride an old motorbike around the city, visit the Museum of Art, enjoy an µ Ë show at the City Theater and, after all, complete my day by taking in the beauty of Saig on by night at Liquid Sky Bar. Situated on the 21st floor of Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon, the bar is an ideal place offering me great panoramic views of a strange Saigon from the sunset on. A windy evening is the time to savor a glass of cocktail poolside while contemplating the night sky. Fans of Prosecco will surely get excited with Italian sparkling wine from Liquid Gold while Vodka lovers will be mesmerized by an array of cocktails with different signature flavors. Delightful drinks and vibrant music by famous DJs all together make Liquid Sky Bar an impressive space for night parties. Liquid Sky Bar is creatively designed with different spaces: the mezzanine level is the place where you can get away from the bustling Saigon while desks along the swimming pool are for chilling out with friends. Overlooking the east bank of Saigon River, Liquid Sky Bar brings you an interesting journey of music and the art of bartending, inspiring your new itineraries. TRAVELLIVE 19