People quickly are drawn toward routine especially when they enter the workforce. When this happens, people are forced into a box where they are “comfortable” and used to what they do. This prevents people from knowing their true self and experiencing their full capabilities. A lot of people try out different activities while vacationing because of being in the new environment. Hang gliding, swimming with sharks, riding in or even driving a moped/scooter are all activities that could push someone out of their comfort zone. It could end up being something they truly enjoy exposing a whole new side of their personality. If this discovery is made, it can lead to greater discoveries and possible life changes. Sometimes, people are so inspired by their fresh awakening, they realize they don’t need to fear the unknown. Something as simple as dying the tips of your hair seems possible once you’ve swum with sharks.
Traveling can also make one aware of how privileged people are that one can even get away from the everyday routine. Others have to work every single day with long and difficult hours to provide for their families. While visiting these places, it can be observed of how loving the people still are even while living under such constant stress. A lot of people who vacation to third world countries go home with a new understanding of how their lives line up to lives of other p eople. Not everyone is able to come how and plop in front of the television. This also ties into the education portion of travel and how easily one can immerse themselves in other cultures. With a snap of the fingers or a kick off the dancing foot, one can be transported into a new culture. Trying new exotic foods, drinks and traditions is a great way to understand and experience a whole new level of your vacation.