Why do people travel? The answer is different for everyone. Some travel to learn and explore the world. Others travel to escape their messy everyday world. Traveling can be seen as a stress reducer for all as well as a way of finding your true self. People can often be them true selves while on vacation because they are separated from those that they typically interact with.
According to Better, travel is “highly beneficial for your physical, mental and emotional health as well” (Alton, 2017). By traveling for leisure, regardless of the personal reason behind it, it reduces a great deal
Why Travel?
of stress and worry. By traveling to a new place, new experiences and memories are made which can increase mood and thus increase productivity once returned due to a clear mind. Traveling excites the soul and can build long-lasting memories with families as well as single traveling. When families travel together, they are able to experience new things together helping build better bonds. Siblings enter new worlds and enjoy trying new activities together.
Another reason why travel is a must is the fact that you can get out of your comfort zone and find your true inner self.
By Sarah Wargo