Travel Asia feb 2014 asianc1 | Page 7

There is no unique service as what I am expecting. Its like the service of dining out on a normal or typical restaunart or eatery. The staffs were neat and presentable however they didn't manage to give that sense of being hospitable.

Since they are offering a different cusine to filipinos, they should improve more on their quality of service so that one can really tell the difference of the quiality of service of dining in a restaurant serving authentic cuisine. When we talk about their food, like i said, it was almost similar to neigboring asian countries a swell as with the Philippines.

Scrumptious enough if one would really appreciate the taste and flavours of Malaysia but for a first time eater at a Malaysian Restaurant, I am still open on trying out different restaurants and dishes so I can understand and manage to appreciate the Malaysian cuisine. Overall experience for this kind of dining activity was satisfactory enough.

Critique by: Chad Purugganan

curry is love