Transform Transform April 2014 | Page 9

Grab Your Free Copy! 3. Create Boards that Focus on Helping Homebuyers or Home Sellers This is an excellent strategy because it can quickly connect you to potential home sellers and buyers. The best way to attract them is by creating boards that revolve around or are related to home buying or selling. The boards can be on such subjects as Tips on Having a Successful Open House, Decorating Ideas that Cost Little but Add a Lot or How to Landscape Your House To Sell. The possibilities are endless, but boards with such subjects linked to your site with a decent article you wrote or had written for you will bring you serious prospects that one day will become clients. 4. Create Boards that Focus on You and Your Unique Personality On this board you have the chance to share the real you with your prospective clients. This is where you acknowledge and prove that you are more than just another real estate agent looking to make a sale. You should pin on subjects you care about that show the human side of you and what your personality is like. If you like gardening, cooking, riding a bike or are an amateur astronomer, this is the board where you can relax and have some fun. You’ll find that you will attract followers that have similar interests, who one day when they’re thinking about buying or selling a property will remember the real estate agent that shared the same hobbies and interests as them. 5. Add Pinterest Follow and Pin-it Buttons on Your Site/ and or Blog This last strategy is part and parcel of the holistic online-branding approach we have been exploring in this edition. By adding follow and Pin-It buttons on all of your Website and blog’s pages, you are branding and integrating you online presence. You will be amazed at the number of visitors to you sites who will pin your posts and begin following you. As a result, your traffic and prospective client base will continue to grow! Contact Me today to get your Free Copy...... Mark Rubischko Senior Loan Officer Blu Mortgage, Inc. Scottsdale, AZ 85258 (O) 480-788-4258 (C) 602-809-0927 [email protected] Click Here 9