Tram/Light rail Safety safety | Page 8

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My stakeholder was jennifer abarca, She was liable for this because of she often rides the tram and see’s what happens. In the interview I asked several questions having to do with her personal experiences of her time on the tram/lightrail.

Q: Have you ever seen any Neglect by an officer to assist in a situation?

A: “ There was that one time when there was a bunch of central kids. They weren’t doing anything reckless but the were shouting a bunch of bad words, And i mean, i can see why the cop didn’t do anything, i mean the most he did was shout “ HEY, tone it down” and they just kinda like laughed back at him. I mean i kinda understand it because you know they're not physically doing anything wrong, but there still being disrespectful.”

Q: Do you feel safe going home on the lightrail? Why or why not?

A: i mean, i'm a pretty independent person, and i'm pretty confident in myself, i .


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my interview


jennifer abarca

feel kind of safe. I mean people do things that… i don’t know, i feel pretty self sufficient, i can take care of myself, but like for other people's sake, like when i ride with you guys, i get concerned for your safety, cause i know that i can handle most situations by myself, but i don’t know if you guys can. “

Q: have you been hurt on the light rail/ have you seen someone get hurt on the light rail?

A: Fortunately i have not besides, on a joking matter, when we crash into each other on the light rail. But on a more serious tone, um, i fortunately have not but like other people, um, i don't think so, people have taunted each other, like “oh let's go out, you wanna fight me outside” but i mean i can't recall anytime that someone has physically thrown a punch or something