Tram/Light rail Safety safety | Page 4

ight rail safety is a very important issue for highschool students, but little is being done about it. Many students see the issue everyday, and so do the adults traveling to and from work. There are many accounts of drunken harassment, and it gets worse from there. Although there are many problems, very little has been done about the situation, and that’s why i sought to try and help make an impact through this challenge.

To prove that there was an actual challenge here i posted a poll on edmodo, for kids who ride the lightrail. 15 people said they didn’t feel safe on the light rail out of 27 students. This very much proved that there is an issue in light rail safety but what was causing it? I did some research on the subject, looking up what problems people had.

“Williams says she avoids the light rail as much as possible. She lives downtown now so she no longer needs to take the train in between the two cities as frequently”

“Sarah Yong, an ASU student, recounted an incident two months ago where an intoxicated man aggressively approached her and a friend and threatened to fight her boyfriend.”

“Lt. Adrienne Ruiz, who is in charge of a five-member Phoenix police team assigned to provide protection on trains, says arrests since March are up for alcohol-related crimes such as assault and disorderly conduct. With longer hours, the potential for more incidents will increase”


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