Tram/Light rail Safety safety | Page 12

Flash fiction

I remember everything. The day was chilly and windy, but I begged my older sister to watch me by the water. With a sigh, and a lot of crying, she finally said yes. The walk down was silent, I could see my sister smile as we reached the water, she loved it as much as I did. We would often talk about all of the creatures we saw. The crabs, the fish, the sea stars, everything I saw, she could tell me the names of, it was amazing. That day she seemed sad, and spacey, to cheer her up, I pulled her onto the dock with me. The wind was strong but I still ran out there pulling her along side me. We laid down on the doc, and drifted off to sleep, if only one of us had been in a period of vigil. I woke up and the clouds had gotten dark, the wind was blowing wild. I pulled on my sisters hair, begging her to get up. She rose, and so did I, but as I turned around, my feet slipped, and the last thing i heard was my sister’s cries out to me. The water was so cold, I felt it suck the air out of my lungs, everything went dark. At least, i could be with the animals I loved, and be in the ocean I loved more, but at what cost? I was so young, anything after that is flashes, of me being lifted from the water, my family crying, and me… that was the most shocking part, me, my funeral, the end of, my life. Me. Now I lie in a aperture, that is interminable