Tram/Light rail Safety safety | Page 11

nts are common as well.

Although a lot of accidents aren’t deadly, there are some that can be very heart breaking! There are always going to be bad thing that happen everywhere, we are not able to stop some of them, but if you are able to make others aware of the situation they can be prevented. Something interesting was,”we find that Light Rail’s 12 fatalities per billion passenger miles of travel rate is actually higher than the rate for privately owned automobiles.”(Semmens,2007,p.2). Although this isn’t a large amount, it is still there and since the Light Rail System gets millions of rides, in the end, it doesn’t add up. People don’t see the risk, because it hasn’t affected them yet...but there’s a strong possibility that it could in the future!

The Valley Metro Organization (V.M.O), has several tips, on how and when to ride public transportation. Although these tips can be very helpful, they do not get their point across! Their website, it claims for people to “BE ALERT- BE SAFE”(V.M.O). I want to illustrate that the (V.M.O) is trying and they are showing an effort. It’s more to the fact that people can’t always access the internet, which can make this information useless. You and others, can do a lot to make things safer... The best way to fix things,is to, help when you can or make others aware.

Although there isn’t really much we can do without the Valley Metro helping, but we can always make small changes for ourselves. There isn’t always going to be issues if we all pitch in, we can do something...You have no idea how much help you really are!


you can make a difference !

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