This guide is the result of a series of workshops conducted in 2009 and 2010 by young people in Romania , India , Mexico and Canada . During these workshops we identified gaps in the information young people have regarding sexual health and drug use . We also identified the best ways to talk about drug use and sexual health among young peers .
This guide provides information , practical activities , and resources to facilitate youth-led peer trainings . The guide includes : basic information about HIV / AIDS and drug use ; provides strategies for reducing sexual and drug-related harms ; and addresses stigma and discrimination related to sexual behaviour and drug use .
We hope this guide provides you with the necessary tools to explore the concepts of harm reduction as they relate to issues of HIV , sexual health and drug use . Because we are constantly looking for ways to improve our work , please send any and all feedback to
info @ youthrise . org and / or info @ espolea . org .
Who Are We ?
Youth Resource . Information . Support . Education for reducing drugrelated harm ( Youth R . I . S . E .) is an international youth-led organization , and is uniquely positioned to address the issues faced by young people who use drugs . It is the aim of Youth R . I . S . E . to empower young people who are affected by drug use and policy to effectively and proactively work at systemic policy change to ensure that young people are included in harm reduction strategies and within the drug policy debate .
Espolea is a youth-led NGO founded in Mexico City in 2005 . Espolea works with young people to defend human rights , sexual and reproductive rights and gender equality ; reduce HIV / AIDS among young people ; and fight stigma and discrimination against young people .
Before you start
Before you start , you should know that this guide offers information and practical activities for young trainers who wish to help other young