Peer Facilitator Tools ___________________________________________________
By the end of the session , participants will be able to demonstrate how to use a male and a female condom .
Expected time of activity : 30 minutes
Have at least one male and female condom ; however , the more you have on hand , the better . Condoms may be acquired for free at several clinics and / or community centres . This exercise requires a demonstration . It ’ s important that participants see you put on both a male and female condom properly . When and if possible , every participant should have one male and one female condom and will be able to practice using them with a banana , cucumber or dildo . Make sure you practice this exercise several times before you demonstrate it . Follow instructions below :
Activity : How to use the male condom ?
Before you put on the condom 1 ) Always check the expiry date on the condom wrapper !
2 ) Rub your fingers over the wrapper to ensure air is in the package and the condom hasn ’ t dried up .
3 ) Never open the condom wrapper with your teeth ! This could rip or tear the condom .
4 ) Neverusetwocondoms . Thiscouldleadtotearingofthecondom , makingitin effective in preventing STIs or HIV .