Peer Facilitator Tools ___________________________________________________
Learning objective :
By the end of this session , participants will be able to define drugs and sex and describe at least ten reasons why people use drugs and / or have sex .
Expected time of activity : 50 minutes
Prepare flip charts or paper in advance . You will need markers for each participant and enough pieces of coloured paper size half an A4 sheet or similar for each participant to have several pieces . It is recommended that you have at least 3 different sets of coloured paper ( e . g ., set of yellow , set of pink , set of green ). Make sure you have tape you can use on the walls ( e . g ., painter ’ s tape that won ’ t strip the paint on the walls ).
Instruct participants to brainstorm responses to a series of questions ( see table below ). They should provide concrete ideas or words for each question and should write their answers down on coloured paper , using a new sheet of paper for each response . Instruct participants to write in big bold letters so everyone can read their responses . People may use as many sheets of paper as needed and provide as many answers as required for each question .
Begin by asking one question and give the group up to 5 minutes to respond . Continue like this for each round of questions and answers . While people write , walk around the room and pick up their answers .