Much of this session is focused on providing introductory information and facilitating brainstorming exercises . It provides participants with an understanding of the concept of health , social factors influencing health and drug use and sexual risk behaviour . The brainstorming exercises allow participants to develop their own understanding of the issues and how information presented during the training might be useful to them . To get the ball rolling , we suggest an activity to start discussion . After the group has come to some of its own conclusions , you will have an opportunity to round up this knowledge with some more accurate definitions and information , if needed .
What Will Participants Learn ?
Participants will learn that “ health is a state of complete physical , mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity ” ( WHO , 1946 ). When you are healthy , it means that you can stay active , productive and happy .
There are ways to reduce the impact many drugs and sexual activities may have on our health . The first step is learning about various drugs and sexual activities , the pros and the cons , and ways to reduce potential harm . Once an individual has done this , he or she can freely and consciously decide what behaviours to engage in . This is the baseline of harm reduction and now we can go a bit deeper into that .
Ready , set , go !