Our big year is here!
2017 is shaping up to be an awesome year for all Canadians, and for everyone in-
volved with Trans Canada Trail (TCT), this year is even more special, because it
marks the realization of an amazing goal now 25 years in the making: the coun-
try-wide connection of The Great Trail. Since 1992, TCT - a not-for-profit organi-
zation - has been working with donors, partners, governments, landowners and
volunteers to create an epic trail of trails offering a wide range of outdoor experi-
ences on greenways, waterways and roadways.TCT's goal is to connect the Trail
and the country for a grand celebration on August 26, 2017.
We want you to celebrate the full connection of The Great Trail and Canada's
150th on YOUR section of the Trail, and we're going to help you throw an unfor-
gettable party!
Annual Report -2017 Year in Review