TPDConnect TPDConnect August 2018 | Page 28

27 | TPDCONNECT AUGUST 2018 WORKPLACE WELLNESS TIPS 1.Get that vitamin D! For most of the day you sit at your desk inside. Instead of doing this, go outside when you have free time. Vitamin D is important as your body uses this to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. 2. Pro H2O Bring water coolers to promote hydration. This can also increase social interaction between co-workers. You can also bring water from home if you wish or even eat a fruit. Dehydration kills productivity in a number of ways, par- ticularly by causing headaches, contributing to chronic fatigue and also destroying your attention span, so stay hydrated. 3.Walk And Talk Turn meetings into walking meetings. You sit all day, so why not make your meetings a walking meeting instead? Research has suggested that walking makes people more creative. Or, take a break and go for a walk during lunch. You’ll therefore return to work feeling mentally and physi- cally refreshed to take on the task at hand. 4. Sneaky Steps Sneak-in extra steps when and whenever possible: park your car in the furthest parking spot from the office, stop by a colleague’s desk from time-to-time instead of sending an email. 5. Release Some Tension Stretch in your chair: point and flex your toes, do wrist circles, stretch your neck side to side, roll your shoulders forwards and backwards. Just doing this for a few minutes can help reduce tension. 6. Play Time Have some fun with colleague’s, whether it is an after work sporting activity or an organized day of an interde- partmental tournament. Remember all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Source RIDDLE ME DIS, RIDDLE ME DAT Answer these riddles correctly and win! Send your responses to [email protected] along with your feedback for this edition of TPDConnect. Responses should be sent by Thursday September 06, 2018. The first five correct responses will be raffled and TWO winners selected. • Hell a top, hell a bottom, hallelujah eena di miggle? • Mi doan weigh anything but mi can sink di biggest ship. • Why is every river rich? • Prime Minister, doctor and Governor General, which one wear di biggest hat? • Who fa (whose) bed always wet? • Missis Queen dress tear, but no needle kyaan sew it. • Yuh never want it, but when yuh get it, yuh take such good care of it. • Mi madda have a pretty house, but is one stick hold it up • Round di road di rugged rascal runs, how many ‘R’s are in that? • What always goes up, but never comes down?