We are at the end of another year and thankful that
we have made it to this jolly season. The temptations
are many; temptations to overspend, to over eat, to
overindulge generally. But get “over” it as the New
Year will bring “bruk” pocket, increased inches on the
waistlines and fatigue from too much partying. I’m not an
Ebenezer Scrooge, I want us all to enjoy the mild weather
the festivities and more but must caution us to do so in
I’m also cognizant that while it is dubbed the happiest
time of the year, research has shown that it is the loneliest
time of the year and indeed the saddest time for some
people. Against this background I urge us to show good
will, share with those less fortunate and leave a little of the
incentive and retroactive for 2019.
That said I invite you to dive right into our Christmas
edition of TPDConnect. There is a lot to share from the
last two months of the year. Lyssons Beach ribbon
cutting, graduation for our friends from Treasure Beach
who completed the Private Security Regulations Authority
training which has brought at least two properties into
compliance, our Joint Christmas candle light ceremony
where TPDCo talent was on display and the excitement
of Craft which hosted all of three extravaganzas for the
As part of our corporate social responsibility staff in
Kingston took time to visit the Golden Age Home and
present a wheel chair and goodies to our old folks there.
Our regular features are also tucked within these pages
“Out and About” our COE and Delectable Diary, we meet
Dahlia Dyer, revel in the festivities of the season and
there’s much more.
We couldn’t have done all six editions for 2018 without
your cooperation, contributions and feedback, so we
thank you wholeheartedly. We hope TPDConnect will
continue to be a place where you go to for information
on our achievements and news on the agency. Personal
thanks to my team who worked assiduously this year to
ensure interesting and on time publications.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and may the Christ of
Christmas remain in your hearts and the new year be filled
with blessings.
One love,