Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT JOI_20230426_eBook | Page 9

Green IT : A 360-Degree Scan of Current Research , Projects and Initiatives


Climate change is currently arguably the greatest threat to our existence , and the role of IT cannot be neglected . The topic of Green IT deals with sustainable and energy-efficient IT solutions that affect both hardware and software . Like IT itself , Green IT is an extremely broad subject area that needs to be surveyed .


The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the current state of Green IT research and thus make it easier for interested parties and newcomers to get started in Green IT .


This article intends to provide a rough overview of current Green IT topics in research as well as initiatives and organizations working on the topic . It presents tools for estimating the emissions of IT systems , guidelines that provide suggestions , best practices for the sustainable and energyefficient design , and labels that distinguish particularly efficient and sustainable systems .

1.3 STRUCTURE The document is organized as follows :

• Chapter 1 . Introduction
• Chapter 2 . Motivation
• Chapter 3 . Current Research Topics
• Chapter 4 . Conclusion


The reader should gain a greater basic understanding of Green IT through this article . Different Green IT aspects and areas such as green data centers or green artificial intelligence are described . It also shows how the use of IT , such as IoT or AI , can help to reduce energy consumption .

1.5 USE

This article is intended as a guide to the current state of research in the field of Green IT and what aspects are relevant . The lists are by no means exhaustive but attempt to provide a rough overview of the broad subject area .

1.6 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS The following terms and definitions are key to understanding this document :

4 April 2023