Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT JOI_20230426_eBook | Page 10

Green IT : A 360-Degree Scan of Current Research , Projects and Initiatives
• IT – Information Technology
• ICT – Information and Communications Technology
• CO2e – Greenhouse gases
• AI – Artificial Intelligence
• IoT – Internet of Things


Given that the document is non-normative , all ‘ must ’, ‘ may ’ and ‘ should ’ statements are to be interpreted as English language .


Terms that require definition are rendered in italics . ( As the usage immediately preceding demonstrates , italics may also be used as example , or for emphasis .)
Generally , only the first use of the term is italicized . However , when a term can be read in its usual English language mode , the first use of the term may be italicized as the discussion becomes technical . In the first example below , “ safety ” and “ security ” are used informally . In the second , it introduces a definition .
“ Among the key system characteristics that must be considered , safety is perhaps the most important , followed by security .”
“ Safety is the condition of the system operating without causing unacceptable risk of physical injury or damage to the health of people , either directly or indirectly , as a result of damage to property or to the environment .”


Climate change is probably the greatest threat to our existence at present . Among the many social and industrial sectors affected , one area must not be neglected : IT / ICT . According to Capgemini 1 , data centers were responsible for 1 % of the global energy demand in 2019 , while 55.5 million tons of e-waste were generated in 2020 alone - an increase of 20 % in the last 5 years . Globally , only 43 % of executives are aware of their company ' s IT footprint .
Green IT ( also Green Computing or Green ICT ) is the term used to describe environmentally friendly and sustainable IT solutions that include aspects such as the entire sustainable life cycle of an IT solution , from production to disposal , the perception of the general public , energyefficient software or even the energy supply of IT solutions . While seals of approval such as Energy Star already exist for hardware , there is still a need for universally valid seals of approval
Capgemini : Sustainable IT – “ Why it ’ s time for a Green revolution for your organization ’ s IT ,“ 2021 . Available : ( https :// www . capgemini . com /)
Journal of Innovation 5