Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT JOI_20230426_eBook | Page 3

During hurricanes , boats become dangerous pollution vectors costing owners , insurance companies , and the environment dearly by leaving oil , gasoline , fiberglass , and shrapnel in their wake . This article addresses the deployment and benefits of IoT and Web3 technology to automate risk management protocols that keep boats and the environment safe .
• Up next is " BlockBill : The Blockchain-Powered Paperless Billing Solution " by Bhoomil Gohel , Neel K . Parikh , and Niyati Totala , Indian Institute of Technology Indore ; and Gourinath Banda , University of Southern Denmark .
This article describes a billing system that uses blockchain technology to eliminate paper usage to address environmental concerns , while tackling issues of tampering and trustworthiness .
• That is followed by , " Prediction and Prevention of Wildfires ," by Thenatchi Kamanthenu and Sandeep Dayal , IBM .
The authors describe efforts underway to predict and prevent wildfires , then propose a solution for preventing wildfires caused by powerlines through the use of IoT sensors , drones and predictive analytics .
• We wrap up with “ Digital Transformation Value Indicators for a Sustainable and Circular Economy ” by John Perrigue , Bassam Zarkout , and Tom Doney .
This piece examines how digital transformation and sustainability initiatives are interrelated and how smart factories can achieve both business and environmental outcomes . It also introduces the concept of smart operations , which covers planning , logistics , product design and procurement , as another key element of sustainable manufacturing .
We hope these examples provide you with a heightened perspective on how we can work together to prioritize investment in green technologies and eco-friendly practices to create a better future .
We welcome your feedback on this edition and are interested in what you would like to see covered in future editions . The theme of our next edition will be “ The Role of IoT in Shaping the Future of Supply Chain .” Stay tuned !
Edy Liongosari Accenture
Chair , Thought Leadership Task Group iii