Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT JOI_20230426_eBook | Page 2


Dear Reader :
We are excited to bring you this 22 nd edition of the Journal of Innovation : “ Toward a Greener Planet Through IoT .”
As we navigate through a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected , it is essential that we prioritize sustainability and circular economy in our approach to innovation . The industrial internet of things ( IIoT ) has opened up a world of possibilities for connectivity and automation , but it also plays a key role in creating a more sustainable future .
The goal of this edition is to illustrate this key role through specific examples :
• We start with " Green IT : A 360-Degree Scan of Current Research , Projects and Initiatives " by Yannic Schlimpen , M . Sc ., Fraunhofer Institute for Communication , Information Processing and Ergonomics ( FKIE ).
The topic of Green IT deals with sustainable and energy-efficient IT solutions . Like IT itself , Green IT is an extremely broad subject area that needs to be surveyed . This article provides an overview of the current state of Green IT research and make it easier for interested parties and newcomers to get started .
• Next is “" Achieving a Sustainable Economy with Digital Product Passports " by Kym Watson , Ph . D ., Florian Patzer , Dr . -Ing ., Felix Schöppenthau , M . Sc ., and Boris Schnebel , Dipl . Inform ., Dipl . -Ing . -Päd ., Fraunhofer IOSB .
The digital product passport is an emerging technology within a digital ecosystem that tracks and monitors product properties throughout business processes in a sustainable economy . This article provides guidance on the implementation and management of Digital Product Passports in a supply chain network that aims to achieve a sustainable economy .
• That is followed by " Decentralized Review System for Transparent and Accountable Governance " by Rhul Kumar , Keelisetti Lokesh , and Satya Bhagawan Srikakolau , Indian Institute of Technology Indore ; and Gourinath Banda , University of Southern Denmark .
This article presents how blockchain was engineered with encryption , resulting in an accountable-transparent-trusted review system that is independent of owners and providers of the businesses that deliver such goods and services . The Solana Blockchain and IPFS are utilized .
• The next example is " Leveraging IoT and Blockchain Technology to Automate Risk Management for Nautical Vessels ," by John Paul Bassett Zable , Ahoy .