Tourism Today Tourism Today 15 | Page 9



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Our World Tourism Day!

By Angy Navas De La Cruz - IX Semester

Over the past six decades, tourism has experienced continued expansion and diversification, and it has become one of the fastest growing and most important economic sectors in the world, benefiting destinations and communities worldwide. (ONU, sf, p1).

Since 1979, the World Tourism Organization OMT has been celebrating the "World Tourism Day" every 27 September, to raise awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, political and economic value,as well as its impact on the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Relating this issue, Tourism in Cartagena de Indias is considered one of the most important pillars for the economy, generating jobs for local communities and even international communities.

In this way, it can be emphasized the great importance of Unicolombo academic offer carrying out this type of activities that remembers its importance and help raise awareness how important it is to take care of the industry by highlighting all the benefits it generates.

The city has taken so much global positioning, which has allowed for a large national and international investment; that's why the job opportunity has grown significantly.

The invitation is to continue contributing to this valuable industry and it is for this reason, the university strives to prepare bilingual professionals in order that they can positively transform tourism by allowing the city to grow and be the most recognized in the world.