Tourism Today Tourism Today 15 | Page 5



Academic Trek

As I mentioned previously my personal experience about learning German is really interesting due to this language is very logical in the meaning of the words for example: krankenhaus (hospital) kranken means ill and haus house the whole word literality means ills’ house, kühlschrank (Freezer) kühl means cold and schrank closet the whole word literality means the cold closet, feuerzeug (Lighter) feuer means fire and zeug means thing the whole word literality means fire thing, wörtebuch (Dictionary) wörte means words and buch means book the whole word literality means words book.

And when I met what is the meaning of a word is inevitably make me laugh a lot.

On the other hand this language have some words similarities with English that means the same: Fußball=Football, Tourismus=Tourism, Doktor=Doctor, Morgen=Morning, Habe=Have, Universität=University, Hotel, Radio. With Spanish have the follow words in common that means the same: Fußball=Fútbol, Taxi, Tourismus=Turismo, Problem, Hotel, Universität=Universidad, Auto, Radio. And with French have the follow words in common that means the same: Fußball=Football, Tourismus=Tourisme, Qualität=Qualité, Problem=Problème, Universität= Université, Theater= Théâtre, Hotel=Hôtel, Radio.

Another important point is in the speaking part in German you have to pronounce whole sentence when you are speaking and do not omit some part of it like other language and the pronunciation does not have many variation for that reason is not complicate.

And others reasons for learn the language is according with my work experience in different 5 stars hotels in Cartagena, foreign tourists are coming from USA, UK, Canada, Brazil, Germany, France, and Italy.

For this reason you need to speak English and another language and considering that we are living in a global world we need speak more than one foreign language for communicative with more countries.

And for last my personal reasons are I want to know the Honner accordion factory in Trossigen (Germany), and also I want to study a MBA (Master Business Administration) in Germany due to education in University is support for the government and have a high quality. In addition important facts about Germany: ITB Berlin is one of the most important touristic convention in Europe in fact Colombia was highlight as an important emergent tourist destination for German tourist this year, is the first economy in Europe, the mp3 format was develop in Germany besides many research are develop in German.

Many of the famous car’s brand are from Germany like: Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, and others, and last Germany support Colombia with peace and conflict field with an agency and environment field with Humboldt Institute.

Some of the sentences that I have learnt are:

Hallo (Hello) Wie geht’s? (How are you?) Mir gehts gut (I’m good thank you)

Auf wiedersehen / Bis bald (Good bye / See you soon) Guten tag (Good Morning)

Woher kommst du? Ich komme aus Kolumbien

(Where are you from? I’m from Colombia).