Tourism Today (6th Edition) | Page 8



Academic Trek

My name is Laura Margarita Madrid Paternina, I am 17 years old, I am a third semester student of the Bachelor of Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management.

Thanks to the Fundación Universitaria Colombo Internacional, a group of classmates (Yaismith Pérez, Alan Marimón and Amanda Olivo) and me had the opportunity to present a project of entrepreneurship in Redcolsi. It was a unique experience thanks to which, we had the opportunity to pass to the nationals.

The name of our project is Te amo bip, a business idea to reduce the stress, considered one of the illnesses of the century XXI. With this idea I want to offer a system of training in tourism organizations in order to benefit the employers.

We want to start by offering this service in Cartagena de Indias, but we desire to expand this business regionally.

The legislative frame of our project is based on the law 1616 of 2013 and the Social Coexistence and Mental Health Dimension, that is a program of the Ten-year Public Health Plan 2012 - 2021.

I invite all students to persevere and to make their dreams come true.

Laura Madrid Paternina: on her way to Redcolsi.

By Laura Madrid Paternina.

III semester.