Tourism Today (6th Edition) | 页面 4


Events trek


Let's talk about tourism

Let's talk about Tourism is a new updating space for the professors of the Bachelor of Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management, in which they can learn more about tourism industry. This first opportunity, the conference was leaded by Juan Sebastian Sánchez Chica, a Senior Tourism Specialist at ProColombia, who socialized the three tourism business counseling services offered by this entity:

1. Nautical Tourism counseling

2. Sun and Beach Tourism counseling

3. Event Tourism counseling

These three services are offered in order to increase the investment in tourism industry in Cartagena de Indias. Juan Sebastián shared some statistics on national and international inbound tourism. He also insisted on the importance of investing in new tourism tendences. Cartagena de Indias needs to increase the statictis on inbound tourism.

Then, the professors had a space to ask some questions and to share a break time enjoying some delicious wraps prepared by the students from Arjona during their gastronomy class.

Juan Sebastián Sánchez Chica.

Senior Tourism Specialist ProColombia .