Total Resource Campaign (TRC) TRC UPDATED | Page 4
Amplify your business TRC
page 4
Why Sponsor?
Sponsorships put your brand In a recent survey, the Event
visuals in front of large audiences Marketing Institute found that 74
who haven’t heard of your percent of consumers are more
business. Customers love brands likely to buy products after
that care about spreading positive exposure to a branded event
messages and helping the marketing experience. Use the
community. Linking your business to clout you earn as a sponsor to
a professional organization can grow your reputation in the
draw lasting support and media community.
Return on
Events are about starting quality
relationships and the goal is to leave with a
list of leads to follow up on afterward. Have
a long-term way to leverage your
investment and decide what you want to
achieve before you commit. Come up with a
metric to measure your efforts, this can be a
number of leads, new ideas to implement in
your business, employee participation or a
number of media impressions.
The benefits of event sponsorship are
endless if you put in the effort to forge