What advice would you give young Aaron in the early days of Jamie ’ s Elsewhere ?
AARON : I would want to push myself to work harder . I ’ m somebody that really enjoys leisure time , and I ’ m just now kind of in my 30s . I feel like hitting a stride where I ’ m really , really enjoying the process of work , like the actual like , what it means to do that verb . I ’ m really enjoying that . And maybe , maybe I would probably tell myself to just be aware more , you know ? Worry less about the future and fret less about the past and try and take inventory . You know , try and smell your roses while they ’ re in bloom .
Can being successful in this industry for a long period of time be both a blessing and curse ?
AARON : Oh man ! There are definitely days where I wake up , at least on tour you know , you wake up and you ’ re sick , and you have three more , more , four more shows till the day off . And all you wish is that you could do is just go home . Or just say like , I just need a sick day . I think no matter what you do , even if it is your dream job , even if your job is to just ride roller coasters all day , like at some point , you get the feeling , and most of the time it ’ s not validated by anything , but you get the feeling that the grass is greener somewhere else . And I think when you start making money doing something you love , it sort of fundamentally changes your relationship with it . Especially when it ’ s you know , how you feed yourself , It ’ s how you pay your bills . I think you just have to focus more . I think going back to the whole camera man analogy , you know , as the scene becomes more chaotic , and there ’ s more action , you have to keep refocusing that ( Continued on page 65 )