OFFICER VOICES · Summer 2024 · Torch: U.S.
Salvete amici!
As the cold weather has disapeered from the Boston air and the flowers bloom through the spring and now the summer sun starts shining, I'm in awe at the amazing memories I've made the last few months as an NJCL Officer.
My first order of business was flying to San Antonio for our Spring Planning meeting! I'm happy to report that it was smooth sailing on the way there, but I did encounter many delays on the way home (ask the officers about it). At least it gave me time to try Whataburger for the first time!
SPM aside, I've also been working on the Summer Torch: U.S., which you are reading right now! Thank to everyone who submitted to this issue!
That's all for now, but I'm excited to see new and familiar faces in Knoxville in only a few weeks now!
Jenny Chen
2023-2024 NJCL Editor
which mythylogical character would you like to have as your assistant at national convention?
Krish: Hermes
Sophie: Hercules
Natalie: Pegasus, so I could fly around Nationals and be in 10 places at once
Lilia: A centaur, because I’d have a new friend and someone who could quickly run across campus for me!
Alden: Iris, since she seems way cooler than using email
Trisha: One of the Hetaconcheires so that they could use their 100 arms to take pictures from all angles at convention
Jenny: One of the Hecatoncheires