Torch: U.S. LXXIII Summer 2024 | Page 6

Torch: U.S. · Summer 2024 · OFFICER VOICES


Salvete, JCLores

Spring has been pretty great as an officer (and no, not just because of our amazing Spring Planning Meeting). With so many state Conventions having come and gone, I've been reaching out to new state parlis after all of the State conventions, and I got to meet some of them at a parli meeting this past April. 

I've also completed the second issue of the Constitutional Column, which goes over Articles VI–XIII of the Constitution. The third and final issue will cover the Bylaws. 

And of course, I wouldn't be a good parliamentarian if I didn't tell you to run for NJCL office, so make sure to check out the Campaign Corner and pre-file if you're eligible! 

I can't wait to see you all at Convention! Valete amici!

Alden Okoh-Aduako

2023-2024 NJCL Parliamentarian

Salvete, omnes!

I have greatly enjoyed continuing to connect through your Photo of the Month submissions and the historian GroupMe. If you’d like to submit a Photo of the Month and/or join our GroupMe , please email me at [email protected]. If you’re just getting started, check out my historian resources here

In more recent news, I recently put the finishing touches on an exciting new Google Form. ’Tis the season of school years ending and high school seniors graduating. If you’re feeling nostalgic like I am and are wondering how to say goodbye to a great year, look no further than “signing” the 23-24 NJCL scrapbook with a yearbook note to your favorite JCL buddy, whether a graduating senior or not. This form will allow you to write a heartfelt letter to someone (or multiple!), and I will gather all these notes to adorn the back pages of the scrapbook. Please submit your notes by July 15! I look forward to reading them and (maybe) tearing up. 

I will see you soon in Knoxville—look out for the officers’ snazzy purple sweatshirts and come say hi. 

E corde,

Trisha Iyer

2023-2024 NJCL Historian