Torch: U.S. LXXIII Summer 2024 | Page 25

STATE UPDATES · Summer 2024 · Torch: U.S.


"Study guide? Check. Artwork? Check. Catapult? Check.

On April 5-6, the TSJCL reunited for our 2024 State Convention at Anderson High School in Austin, TX. Our convention theme, chosen by 2023-2024 TSJCL President Baala Shakya, was “non aqua, non igni locis pluribus utimur quam amicitia,” meaning, “we enjoy neither fire nor water on more occasions than friendship.”

Over 1,400 of our delegates took this to heart! In between intense competitions, TSJCLers were found sharing donuts across cafeteria tables, cheering on Certamen teams during matches, enjoying our all-time favorite production, That’s Entertainment, and so much more! Thank you so much to all the dedicated people who made this convention possible, and thank you so much to each TSJCLer for bringing the dedication, enthusiasm, and JCLove that made this event so special."


by Jolie Vinh, TSJCL Editor

"Salvete omnes! Virginia has been busy as the summer months roll in! We have submitted to the state publication contest hosted by NJCL. As mentioned in our Spring update, our Spring Council meeting brought in a plethora of new ideas and amendments, such as the introduction of a web committee, a digital scrapbook, and various changes to how our elections are implemented, which we’ve worked hard to execute since April. We’ve started preparations for the NJCL convention in July, discussing cheers, t-shirts, and spirit in general. We’ve also hosted several entertaining events, such as our second annual Spring Classics Day. Overall, it’s been a very productive few months for Virginia, and we can’t wait for what comes next!"


by Panchami Rangaraji, VJCL Editor

Salvete! DC is happy to announce St. Albans Certamen was very well attended this year. We also have had students compete in and place in tournaments in Maryland and Virginia, including Virginia State Finals. We look forward to seeing everyone at convention!

district of columbia

by Sophie Heitfield