Torch: U.S. LXXIII Spring 2024 | Page 6

Torch: U.S. · Spring 2024 · OFFICER VOICES


Salvete, JCLores! (Hmm…. Yeah, that sounds like the Latin term.)

Things have been busy as usual since December, mainly with creating some new resources. I've finished the Constitutional Column's first issue, which goes over Constitution Articles I-V, and have started work on the second. Furthermore, I've also made an introductory guide to parliamentary procedure for use by state officers. These should be on the website soon if not already.

Most importantly, I've completed and released the Campaign Corner, which contains everything you need to know about running for NJCL office. If you're curious about running or know someone who is, make sure to give it a look!

Coming up, I'll be working on the second issue of the Constitutional Column, meeting with State parliamentarians, rallying people to run for office (which you should do), and enjoying spring (which you should definitely do).

Alden Okoh-Aduako

2023-2024 NJCL Parliamentarian

Salvete, omnes!

With Saturnalia and Lupercalia, it has been a very lively few months for JCL chapters. I have greatly enjoyed seeing all the festive, warm snaps you submitted to the Photo of the Month. In addition to running this contest, I’ve been holding check-ins for historians across the country—if anyone’s interested in joining our GroupMe, please email! (All skill levels welcome.) I have also consolidated my “How to Histo” resources into a convenient Google Drive folder, which can be found here: Most recently, I continued my commitment to visually accessible design by making a list of ADA-compliant suggestions on how you, too, can make your media more accessible. In other news, the scrapbook is coming along well, and I recently designed a snazzy officer sweatshirt. Hopefully, they’ll make us easy to spot at Nationals. For now, take care, and I will see you in Knoxville.

Trisha Iyer

2023-2024 NJCL Historian