Torch: U.S. LXXIII Spring 2024 | Page 3


Letter from the

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR · Spring 2024 · Torch: U.S.



Letter from the

Though I am quite used to the cold, dark winter mornings out here in the Northeast, I'm looking forward to spring. As the sun starts peaking through the clouds earlier in the morning and the temperatures keep climbing up on my weather app, there's this joy to the season that I could never describe.

I hope this edition of the Torch: U.S. brings the same amount of happiness—I know how rough the winters can be for us, students. In a time of stressful and bleak days, it has been the JCL that keeps me going, whether it was playing during Convocatio or reading your Torch: U.S. submissions.

Speaking of which, this edition wouldn't be possible without all the submissions I received, so thank you to everyone who submitted! I had so much fun reading articles, viewing new pieces of artwork, and seeing what JCLers are up to around the country through their photos. Additionally, I'd like to thank Mr. Turner for all his support on this issue and catching all my copy edits. To my officers: thanks for responding to all my last minute questions and requests, I couldn't have done it without yall.

So sit back and relax, basking in the energy from each page of this issue. Consider what your favorite Latin declension is afer reading fellow JCLers' opinions, get to know this year's Classicalia speakers, and explore an alternate ending to the story of Galatea.


Salvete omnes!

Jenny Chen

2023-2024 NJCL Editor