Torch: U.S. LXX Winter 2020 | Page 25

STATE UPDATES· Torch: U.S. · Winter 2020






The IJCL has been busy making digital preparation for all its state events and is happy to report the transition is going well. In August, the IJCL Executive Board met over Zoom for a two-day board meeting. From the comfort of their homes, the board went over plants for our Leadership Development Academy and began to plan Fall Latin Day and state convention. This included brainstorming ideas for colloquia and events and considering safety concerns. In addition, we discussed this year's scrapbook, newsletter, and updates for our constitution. During September, IJCLers met at our first virtual Leadership Development Academy. Attendees learned how to build meaningful relationships and discussed new ideas for running their virtual clubs in seminars that helped guide them in keeping an active and safe club running. They also participated in goal setting and breakout rooms with past and present IJCL officers to gain skills that would benefit themselves and their clubs. The IJCL had an amazing and safe time this fall and cannot wait for Fall Latin Day and state convention!

The GJCL has faced many struggles, similar to most other states, due to the pandemic. However, the board and I have been working to connect JCL members across the state as best as we can in these hard times. We are grateful to have held both Praetoria and Fall Forum virtually so far, both a success in terms of participation and engagement. I am happy to say that I have released both the summer and fall issues of the Alae Mercurii, the GJCL state publication. The Alae Mercurii has covered national convention in July and Praetoria in September, along with chapter highlights showcasing the variety of adjustments that chapters across the state have had to make during the pandemic. I hope to continue showcasing such stories as well as including information of my own in the next two Alae Mercuriis, for winter and spring, as well as releasing an Editor’s Guide sometime soon to aid those interested in learning more about the JCL editor position at their local chapters. Despite the obstacles we have faced so far, connecting people through the Alae Mercurii as well as other aspects of the GJCL has been a success, and I hope it will continue to be so!