Torch: U.S. LXIX Winter 2019 | Page 6

Salvete Omnes! Since national convention, I have been working hard on implementing my ideas and continuing the assignments required of the historian. So far, I have changed the Photo of the Month Submission process to be through a Google Form linked on the website for easier accessibility. As of right now, I have received over 50+ submissions! In addition, I have asked each of the officers to create an end of month report so that the NJCL as a whole can stay updated on what each officer does each month. I have also received my first Chapter Spotlight from Georgia's state-wide Fall Forum, and it is in the process of being published on social media.

I had a great time connecting with all of the officers at the Fall Planning Meeting. It has been a pleasure serving on such a fantastic board. I am excited to see everyone at the University of Richmond in 2020!


Jason Juang

2019-2020 NJCL Historian

Salvete, amici! I am so excited to be working as your Parliamentarian. This journey has been amazing so far and I know it will only continue to get better. Since our last trek back from the Fargodome, I have been working to draft proposed amendments for the 2020 Convention and to encourage the JCL to participate in amendment submissions. In the coming months, I will continue to draft amendment proposals, begin to work on the Campaign Corner, and search for candidates for NJCL office.

Speaking of campaigning, I urge you as much as I am able (throwback) to consider a run for NJCL office. Please reach out to me or any officer for questions about our offices or to me specifically about campaigning and candidacy. The entire board is absolutely here to support all candidates! I look forward to the rest of the year with my amazing board and the entire JCL.


Faith Woods

2019-2020 NJCL Parliamentarian