Page 14
Volume 116, Issue 1
Division 12, Continued
Safety Patrol Polar Bear Plunge
Article by Cindi Chaimowitz DCDR Div. 12
On the first Sunday in February every year (same day as the Super Bowl) the Polar Bear Plunge is held at
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Auxiliarists from each of the Flotillas in Division 12 at one time or another have
joined in watching the fun and providing safety as over 3,000 plungers charge straight for us as we keep a
watchful eye on the shoreline. We guard the water's edge from 11:30 until after the plunge starts at 1300 to make
sure no one enters the water before the initial start time and the plungers exit the water safely. We socialize, drink
hot chocolate and take pictures with the plungers, divers and DSP cadets while waiting for the big event to start.
We discuss what we do as Auxiliarists when we are not standing on the beach in freezing temperatures and
chilling winds. When the event is over, we thank each other for sharing part of their busy lives with the Auxiliary
and bid each other a good day.
Right: Auxiliarist Cindi Chaimowitz DCDR Div. 12
Left: Donna Doyle, SO-SR Div. 12
Public Affairs Booth Delaware Electric Cooperative
Article by Cindi Chaimowitz DCDR Div. 12
Delaware Electric Cooperative holds their annual meeting and chicken dinner at the Delaware State
Fairgrounds. Members of 12-05 and 12-08 provide a public affairs booth, offer boating materials and
demonstrate the different knots the auxiliary uses. This event draws over 5,000 people in which we have
acquired new membership as well as students for our safe boating classes.