Volume 116, Issue 1
Page 13
Division 12
Articles and pictures by Cindi Chaimowitz DCDR Div. 12
As in all the Flotillas across the United States we offer Boat Safety classes, vessel exams etc. I wanted to share some of the ‘fun’ events
that happen south of the Canal in the First State, Delaware.
Safety and Fun on the Nanticoke River
Article and pictures by Cindi Chaimowitz DCDR Div. 12
Providing a safety patrol is one of the goals for the members of 12-02, 12-05, 12-08. For the past several years we
have provided safety on the water to the residents of Seaford and their guests at the annual Riverfest. The weather
in the past ranges from foggy to super-hot and humid! This fun filled event includes a festival with vendors,
music, food, a kayak race, “float in” and so much more. The folks float in tubes of all shapes and sizes and
homemade rafts complete with hammocks, grills and slides. We have handed out PFD panda awards to the kids
wearing life jackets while swimming with their families and provided relief for divers as they take a break from
floating by offering them a line to hold onto and drinking water. We stay on the water until the “float in” is
finished and then invite our radio comms. to join us for lunch as we peruse the festival for a bite to eat. We also
stop in to visit our public affairs booth located in the festival area. We were “thanked” numerous times for
providing a safety patrol by the floaters.
Top Left: Diver Mike Moore
Top Right: Auxiliarist Denny Neild
Bottom: Riverfest Float in 2018