Top your marketing game by using right colors Here’s a quick guide of color psychology | Page 3

Blue inculcates trust and loyalty , this is why majority of banks , big corporations and some NGOs use it as their primary color theme . Green is used by healthcare organizations or businesses that are more into nature . It reflects feelings of safety , hope and endurance .
Pink is the color of love and used in feminine products . Black and Gray , the two most widely use colors portray professionalism and seriousness . That is why they are used to market luxury products and technology .
Some of the well-known brands classified with their brand colors . The Yellowish- Golden Mcdonald ’ s arches , Samsung ’ s Blue logo and Cadbury ’ s purple color . Aren ’ t we all too familiar with the color themes ? Imagine Cadbury going yellow or McDonalds going purple . Makes you quiver , right ? That ’ s how colors work .