National Apprenticeship
Week will take place
between the 3rd and
7th of March 2014. It’s
co-ordinated by the National
Apprenticeship Service with the
aim of increasing awareness
of apprenticeships, celebrating
them and fuelling demand for
them. This year the NAS will
also be focusing on Traineeships,
designed for young people
who aren’t quite ready for an
apprenticeship, but would be with
a bit more knowledge, experience
and support.
JTL has developed its own
Traineeship programme in the
West Midlands. For National
Apprenticeship Week we have
invited students from all secondary
schools in Birmingham for twohour visits at our new National
Centre of Excellence throughout
the week to talk about career
prospects. The students will get
given a tour of the electrical and
plumbing workshops, take part in
supervised hands-on activities and
meet with an employer.
We’ll be promoting our school
events for National Apprenticeship
Week on Facebook and Twitter,
so look out for that.
Secondary school students will visit our
National Centre of Excellence for career
advice during National Apprenticeship Week