Tone Report Weekly Issue 70 | Page 39

dimed it, I enjoyed a Keefed up grind of dirty-clean honkytonk skronk. Engaging the boost pushed the clean channel even further for a truly touch sensitive clean-to-grit dynamic. Flipping over to the crunch channel, I was immediately reminded of Pete Townshend’s Bandmaster bashing early ‘70s era and found myself digging into the chord break bit of “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” Speaking of getting fooled, the tubelike response of this amp is frighteningly real. This next generation of circuit modeling will be disarming digital amp skeptics if they give it a chance. The Tube Logic technology nails every idiosyncratic dynamic, right down to the cushy sagging voltage drop of a tuberectified tweed Bassman— which is what the stock Blues Cubes are modeled after. If things get too furry for more complex chordal work, one can engage the dual tone switch and blend in some cleans to add sparkly definition to the fray. Did I mention this thing takes pedals like a champ (literally)? WHAT WE LIKE Portability, expressively realistic tube response, and the onboard attenuator make for an amp that will consistently deliver the sonic goods in all scenarios. The onboard reverb is very usable with a perfect amount of predelay, so it won’t swamp out picking dynamics. Nothing was overlooked in development and there is even a headphone jack that works a treat for silent practice. There is also a USB connection feature for slotting right into your favorite DAW if you don’t want to wake the baby. As luck would have it, I had rehearsal the night of the amp’s arrival, so I got to crank it against our hard-hitting drummer and there was more than enough volume on tap. In fact, most of the night I ran it on the 15W power setting. Perhaps the coolest prospect of this series is the Tube Logic Tone Capsule slot lurking under the chassis. This will enable modular tone transplants going forward. Eric Johnson has one coming out that he modeled after his favorite vintage Deluxe Reverbs and ’69 Marshall Super Lead—and I am all ears. CONCERNS I imagine that some potential customers will simply see the word Cube and look at the price and not give this thing a chance. The crowd that thi ́