Tone Report Weekly Issue 70 | Page 18

knobs, LED color, graphics, and more. Customers can even upload their own graphics. We are continually making updates and adding new options—I am currently working on adding buffered bypass and other switching options. TRW: So can someone really send in their own circuit design and then get royalties if someone else buys it? PR: Absolutely. But it’s got to be an original design, and it’s got to do something different than what we already offer. There are so many creative builders that I didn’t want to limit the wizard to only what I could come up with. We have already added several unique designs from RunoffGroove and BYOC. TRW: I love that you are offering licensed pedals from RunOffGroove and BYOC. How did that come about? Is the plan to offer only the BYOC original designs or will you eventually offer all of their kits? PR: I love the DIY movement, but it’s not realistic to expect every musician to have the time or resources to build their own pedals. I wanted to give access to some of the unique DIY pedals out there without needing to 18 INTERVIEW // build the pedal. We don’t have any plans to license any DIY clones, as there are plenty of other avenues for non-DIYers to get clones. TRW: Tell me about the Megapedal. Did you actually build a giant multi effect unit with all of your pedals in it? PR: I actually built two of them, but they only contain 18 effects—not quite enough for the entire VFE lineup! I used the project to develop some of my ideas for a modular, programmable, open-source integrated pedalboard. This idea will probably never get in our production line (because it would be super expensive), but it’s something I am personally interested in exploring. TRW: That’s pretty amazing. Switching gears, tell me about the Merman. What inspired you to tackle the venerable Klon circuit? PR: Honestly, it was just the sheer number of requests. For years, I kept saying “no” because I didn’t want to be another Klone builder in the market. I always want to add something new to allow the player to tune the circuit for their ear and gear. Once I looked at the circuit design in more depth last summer, it became obvious what parts Inside the Head of Peter Rutter of VFE Pedals