Tone Report Weekly Issue 70 | Page 17

TONE REPORT WEEKLY: How long have you been building pedals and how did you get started? Had you modded pedals prior to building? PETER RUTTER: My first build was the “Confidence Booster” kit from BYOC in the spring of 2008. It didn’t work. But I kept going anyway, building and later modding a few of their DIY kits. I was hooked. From there, my background in math helped me learn how the pedals and mods worked. I designed my first circuit board a year later, and by the fall of 2009 I had developed my ideas into pedals that would eventually become the Alpha Dog, Blueprint, Bumblebee, Fiery Red Horse, Old School, Pale Horse, and The Scream. TRW: What’s behind the name VFE? I notice you also have a sub-brand of VonRutter Family Effects now. What’s the distinction? PR: As you noted, VFE stands for VonRutter Family Effects. It’s a bit of an inside joke involving my family doing a Sound of Music inspired number as the “VonRutter Family Singers” (we are terrible singers). When my hobby morphed into a business, I had been building & selling my pedals on eBay under the name VonRutter and my brother was doing most of the manufacturing, hence the family portion of the name. We are bringing back the VonRutter name to give me an avenue to continue experimenting with all my crazy ideas, without the requirements of a large-scale product launch. TRW: From the outside looking in, it seems like the VFE niche is refining classic circuits and making them extremely “tweakable.” Is that a fair description? PR: Definitely. While there are pedals that don’t fit this description (Rocket EQ, Triumvirate, etc.), this is definitely my bread and butter. There is so much more sonic territory in these classic pedals that was previously only accessible to DIY enthusiasts. One of my core design goals is to give as much of the control back to the player - so they can have an integral part in the creating their perfect tone. TRW: Which of your pedals is the most popular? I’m guessing the Merman is newly popular. What’s the all-time best seller? PR: Trends go up and down all the time, but the all time best seller is the Alpha Dog distortion. It’s thick and raw, and I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from all sorts of genres, including jazz and metal. The Merman overdrive and Focus mid booster have been our best sellers since they launched in the fall. But the Pale Horse is one we expect to take the crown over time, as it’s quite unique in its dynamic drive capabilities. TRW: The online custom shop you have developed is amazing and user-friendly. What all do you offer and what was the inspiration for it? PR: I had the Pedal Wizard in mind for a few years before we launched it. From the first pedals sold under the VonRutter name, I have stuck with the same physical control layout for one big reason: Ease of customization. The wizard allows the customer to choose the effect, paint color, 17