Tone Report Weekly Issue 158 | Page 15

Formula 5F6 Is there any electric guitar amp more important to the development of rock ‘n’ roll than the tweed Fender Bassman? Like many of vintage combos that were originally marketed as bass amps, the Bassman quickly proved itself to be notso-hot on bass, but absolutely ideal for guitar. Its glistening clean tones, saturated grind, excellent tone controls, and 4x10 configuration set an early standard that is still with us today, and as many players know, was also the design impetus for what would later become the Marshall stack. Catalinbread captures the full breadth of this sound and legacy in its 5F6 foundation overdrive. 5F6 is, of course, a reference to the circuit that this most beloved member of the Fender tweed family is based on, and which is recreated in the guts of this versatile pedal. Catalinbread’s version even features a secret Lead mode, which can be accessed through an internal switch, and will goose the circuit with more juice and a brighter attack. The 5F6 might be the ultimate Bassman foundation for your pedalboard, and as such, it stacks like nobody’s business. 15