Keep your pin number private If possible , don ' t write it on a piece of paper , and don ' t save it on your personal computer and mobile devices . Don ' t click links on suspicious emails
If the email state that it is from your bank and asks for you to click on particular links , don ' t do it , but call your bank instead or make an inquiry through their official website .
Private information shouldn ' t be shared through email
If an email asks you to provide your personal and financial information , or else you ' ll be facing grieve consequences such as your account will be " frozen " and such , don ’ t be threatened and don ' t give away your private information .
Don ' t trust a website too much
Make sure that the website you ' re accessing is trustworthy , especially if you ' re making a transaction with it . If you find it suspicious , then don ' t provide any private information .
Beware of emails claiming from a legitimate bank
Culprits are more sophisticated these days . They could perfectly copy the logos of a legitimate bank and choose a web address that doesn ’ t have much difference to the original one , so you won ' t find it suspicious on the first look . But always remember that a bank will never ask for your banking details through emails .
Internet security is one of the major concerns nowadays so it would be better if you equipped yourself with sufficient knowledge about internet fraud or phishing scams and how to avoid them . Don ' t let yourself be a victim of credit card and debit card fraud , take necessary actions today !