General Fund
The General Fund is mostly funded by local property taxes . A Jupiter resident ’ s tax bill , which is generated by the Palm Beach County Tax Collector ' s Office , is made up of charges from several different agencies and special districts . In the most recent tax bill , Jupiter ’ s portion of that bill was approximately 13.6 percent .
Typical Jupiter Resident Tax Bill
Town of Jupiter 13.6 %
PBC Fire Rescue 9.3 %
School Board 37.5 %
Palm Beach County 25.0 %
Special Tax District 14.6 %
FY2023 Property Values & Property Tax Rate
Jupiter property values are expected to increase
13.11 % compared to FY2022 .
The Town of Jupiter millage ( property tax ) rate will remain at 2.4633 , the sixth straight year the millage rate has not changed .
For a home valued at $ 550,000 , Jupiter property
taxes will increase by $ 40.64 ( homesteaded ) or
$ 177.62 ( non-homesteaded ).
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