TOJ_AnnualReport_2022_web | Page 23

General Fund :
Used to maintain the general operations of the Town ’ s government and municipal services . This includes funding most Town departments like law enforcement and public works as well as Town events and recreation activities . Revenues are generated primarily from property taxes .
Health Insurance Fund :
Used to fund the Town ’ s partially self-insured health insurance program . Funds are generated from premiums collected .
Building Fund :
Enterprise fund used to operate the building department . Revenues are generated from charges for services and permit fees .
Debt Service Fund :
Used to manage debts from bond issues and large capital projects .
Water Fund :
Enterprise fund used to operate the water utility . Revenues are generated primarily from water sales and connection fees .
Stormwater Fund :
Enterprise fund used to operate the stormwater utility . Revenues are generated from charges for services .
Capital Improvements Fund :
Used to fund large capital improvement projects in the Town . Funds are generated from property taxes , and impact and developer fees .

2022 & 2023 Budgets at a Glance

Total FY2023 proposed expenditures for all funds is $ 126.4 million Total FY2022 actual expenditures for all funds are $ 135.3 million
Capital Improvements Fund
$ 9.9M FY23 $ 32M FY22
Stormwater Fund
$ 4.2M FY23 $ 3.7M FY22
Water Fund
$ 32.0M FY23 $ 28.3M FY22
Debt Service Fund
$ 2.0M FY23 $ 2.0M FY22
Each year , the Town takes a thoughtful approach to budgeting in order to efficiently provide services to its residents and make progress on its strategic plan . The Town ’ s fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30 , and the Town ’ s annual budget is approved in September every year . The Town has seven funds that make up the annual budget for the Town . The largest of these funds is the general fund , which supports the general operations of the Town .
Across all funds , the Town spent $ 135.3 million in FY2022 ( October 1 , 2021 to September 30 , 2022 ). In FY2023 , the budgeted - or planned - expenditure for all funds is $ 126.4 million . For a snapshot at how Town funds were spent in FY2022 as well as how the FY2023 total budget is allocated by fund , see the infographic below .
On the left is a list of the funds with a brief description of each to explain what the fund covers , and where the revenues for each fund originate .
General Fund
$ 63.7M FY23 $ 56.7M FY22
Health Insurance Fund
$ 9.0M FY23 $ 8.0M FY22
Building Fund
$ 5.6M FY23 $ 4.6M FY22
Community Redevelopment Agency ( CRA ) Budget The CRA in Jupiter was created in 2003 and manages the area along the coastal and Intracoastal waterways from Inlet Village south to Coastal Way , including the Riverwalk . The CRA has its own operating and capital improvement budget . Revenues are generated from incremental property taxes , and those revenues must be spent within the CRA boundaries . See www . jupiter . fl . us / CRA for more details .
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