TOJ_AnnualReport_2022_web | Page 13

The gyms at the Jupiter Community Center are bustling year round .
Develop a Plan for Additional Indoor Gym Space in Support of Youth and Adult Recreation Activities , Considering Opportunities for Emergency Uses
Town staff have been in discussions with Palm Beach County about exploring upgrades to the West Jupiter Community Center . A possible partnership opportunity will be presented to Town Council in the coming months .
Rejuvenate Existing Park Athletic Facilities to Ensure Levels of Service Meet Residents ’ Expectations
The Town has included funding for a study to assess the scope of the necessary improvements in the Fiscal Year 2023 budget . The study will be conducted in 2023 . Staff have also proposed a funding plan for improvements .
Develop Athletic Facility Usage Policies and Master Plan
Town staff have developed an inventory of Town facilities and non-Town owned facilities available for use or lease as well as identified potential future opportunities . Staff is also working with the Jupiter-Tequesta Athletic Association ( JTAA ) to receive regular reporting of the association ’ s activities . Town staff will use the information to finalize use policies , procedures , requirements and impacts .

Unique , Small Town Feel

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