M e r c yU ?
GMercyU Launches New Advanced Nursing Degree : Direct Entry Master of Science in Nursing
CNLs look at the “ big picture ” of patient care , impact current healthcare across the continuum , influence care delivery , and improve patient outcomes and satisfaction .
Considering a career change to nursing ? GMercyU ’ s new DEMSN prelicensure program is designed for those who already have a bachelor ’ s degree but want to become nurse leaders . The program enables students to graduate in as few as 24 months with an advanced degree . This direct-entry master ’ s degree pathway offers a distinct advantage over other entry-level second-degree nursing programs by providing students with the tools they need to become leaders in the field of nursing .
Graduates of the DEMSN program go on to earn certification and become Clinical Nurse Leaders ( CNL ).
Seydel presented her research at the
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students ( ABRCMS ) in November . The organization consists of underrepresented minority students in the fields of science , technology , engineering , and mathematics . At the conference , students present their research findings , enhance their professional development skills , learn about graduate programs , and network . This was the first year a GMercyU student participated .
Biology Major Seydel Acuña ’ 22 Receives ABRCMS 2021 Presentation Award
During summer 2021 , senior Biology student Seydel Acuña conducted research on the effects of various environmental factors on the biofilm formation of bacterial isolates that she collected from the skin of freshwater fish .
Among hundreds of students from large research universities who presented at the event , Seydel received the ABRCMS 2021 Presentation Award . According to Dr . Stacey Lettini , Associate Professor of Biology at GMercyU , Seydel ’ s research posed many new biological questions that she believes will lead to new research projects in the future .
“ I owe a huge thanks to my research advisor , Dr . Stacey Lettini , who urged me to present and supported me throughout the process . Also , a shoutout to Dr . McEliece who helped me practice my presentation . Finally , a huge thank you to Gwynedd Mercy University , who provided a stipend award that allowed me to conduct my research over the summer ,” Seydel said .