Results for different qualifications come out at different times .
• BTEC results are released from mid-July – the timing will vary depending on the course and how it is assessed . The way your child will get the results will depend on their school or college ; they may have to pick them up in person or the results might come by post or electronically . Some schools / colleges will release them at the same time as A levels .
• A level results come out in mid-August .
To minimise stress for your child and you , it ’ s important to know what to expect on results day and what to do if things don ’ t go to plan . Hopefully you and your child will have discussed a plan B . However , if they haven ’ t engaged with the idea of having a backup plan , it ’ s a good idea to do some research into other options yourself , so you can offer wellinformed support if they don ’ t get their expected grades .
• Ideally your child should be available on results day , as they may need to contact universities , or there could be letters they need to sign relating to their next steps . They should try to avoid being away or at work .
• If they are collecting their results in person ( this will be the case for A levels and possibly for BTECs ), make sure they know what time their school or college will be open on results day . Ask whether they would like you to go with them , but respect their decision if they say no .
If your child has applied to university through UCAS , there ’ s more information about what happens next on page 56 .