To Infinity, Choices and Beyond! Parent Guide | Page 43

By the start of Year 13 your child will hopefully have a good idea of what they want to do next . Now is the time to apply and secure the degree course , training opportunity or job that is right for them . They ’ ll also be busy studying for their Level 3 qualifications .

If your child wants to go to university , they should begin applying early in Year 13 . You ’ ll find more details about choosing a university course and the application process on pages 47 to 61 .
Hopefully your child will get the A level / BTEC results they are hoping for , but it ’ s worth talking to them about a backup plan just in case . Try not to make this sound too negative – you don ’ t want to undermine their confidence – but chat with them about what they might do if they don ’ t get high enough grades for their chosen path . For example , if they can ’ t get onto their ideal degree course , would they want to find a similar course elsewhere with a lower entry requirement , retake their exams and reapply , or take a year out for a rethink ?
As well as practising using past papers , suggest that your child gets hold of the previous year ’ s examiners ’ report for each subject they are taking . These provide invaluable information about what the examiners are looking for in students ’ answers and common mistakes made by past candidates . Your child ’ s teachers may be able to provide these , or they are available on examining board websites .
FIND OUT MORE ABOUT EFFECTIVE REVISION AND MAKING A REVISION TIMETABLE The Uni Guide https :// www . theuniguide . co . uk / advice / student-life / creating-a-revision-timetablethat-actually-works https :// www . theuniguide . co . uk / advice / ucasapplication / revision-exams-making-the-grade
As with GCSEs , the amount of study leave your child will have for A level / BTEC revision will depend on their school or college . It ’ s crucial that your child makes a start on their revision early , following a realistic revision timetable and using techniques that suit their learning style ( see page 28 ).