Mr. Anil Kumar Srivastava
Mr. Anil Kumar Srivastava, 1977 batch, was the student of the first batch
of Electronics and Communication Engineering of MMMEC. After completing B.E., he joined M.Tech. in B.H.U. and during the course he joined
All India Radio on the basis of Engineering Services Exam 1977 where he
worked with the installation team. He also appeared in 1978 exam and
joined the Department of Telecom as an ITS officer in 1980. He was posted as Assistant Divisional Engineer and since then he has worked for
DOT/BSNL in different capacities like Divisional Engineer, Deputy General Manager, General Manager and Chief General Manager. He was the
state head of two states- Chhattisgarh and Gujarat and finally retired as
the Chief General Manager of Gujarat Telecom Circle, on July 31, 2015,
The Editorial Board got an opportunity to interview him.
Q1. Sir, please describe your life post Malaviya.
My post Malaviya life which includes my family and professional career was very
satisfying. I rose to the highest rank in BSNL.
Q2. What was your college life like at that time?
As usual the college life was full of fun. We used to play different games after the
class hours. My colleagues were sport maniacs and at least half of the various
college teams comprised of them. In those days the college was very remotely located because of poor transportation to the main city. Sometimes we used the
mess ricksaw and rode it ourselves for any odd hour requirement.
Since ours was the first batch of Electronics, it was very essential, not only for the
faculty members but also for the students to take the new department forward. I
still remember the tireless effort of the the faculty members headed by shri H. R.
Singh. It will not be fair on my part if I don' Ёɕ